Mobile tower cranes

Specifications for mobile tower cranes. Below you find the most important specifications for mobile tower cranes from Spierings, Liebherr and other crane manufacturers. A click on the crane type opens a comprehensive spec sheet for the mobile tower crane in the FLEETfile - our database for mobile crane specifications. You will find additional specifications, such as dimensions, drive units, booms and much more, as well as load capacities and crane owners. On our web page Mobile crane load charts you find complete load charts and scaled top views for many mobile cranes from all crane manufacturers.

All mobile tower crane specifications listed below are for reference only! These are no sales offers!

Mobile tower crane specifications

Mobile tower crane Capacity Axles Counterweight Tower Boom
Spierings SK 365-AT3 5 t 3 7 t 20,3 m 30,4 m
Spierings SK 345-AT3 5 t 3 7 t 20,3 m 30,4 m
Munster ABK 30-55 5 t 3 8,5 t 23 m 30 m
Liebherr MK 45 6 t 4 - 17,7 m 27 m
Liebherr MK 40 6 t 4 - 17,7 m 27 m
Munster ABK 42-80 6 t 4 13 t 28 m 42 m
Spierings SK 377-AT3 7 t 3 6,9 t 21,3 m 33 m
Spierings SK 477-AT4 7 t 4 9 t 25 m 38 m
Spierings SK 597-AT4 7 t 4 8,85 t 26,5 m 48 m
Liebherr MK 63 8 t 3 - 14,6/25 m 26,5/36 m
Spierings SK 488-AT4 8 t 4 8,7 t 26,4 m 40 m
Liebherr MK 80 8 t 4 - 28 m 30,5/42 m
Liebherr MK 88 8 t 4 - 30,2 m 45 m
Spierings SK 498-AT4 8 t 4 9,2 t 26,5 m 44 m
Spierings SK 598-AT5 8 t 5 8,7 t 31,4 m 48 m
Liebherr MK 100 8 t 5 - 25/33 m 44/52 m
Liebherr MK 140 8 t 5 9 t 35,8 m 58,5/65 m
Liebherr MK 110 8 t 5 - 25/33 m 44/52 m
Spierings SK 599-AT5 9 t 5 11,3 t 34,1 m 50 m
Spierings SK 1265-AT6 10 t 6 14,3 t 36,8 m 60 m
Spierings SK 2400-AT7 18 t 7 - 37,2 m 42 m

Mobile tower crane information

A mobile tower crane is a self erecting tower crane mounted on an all terrain crane carrier. It is ready for lifting at the job site within a few minutes. Mobile tower cranes are distinguished by their high mobility as well as heavy loads at a larger radius. At high obstacles mobile tower cranes can replace much larger telescopic cranes. Currently two major manufacturers share most of the market for mobile tower cranes. Dutch crane manufacturer Spierings has brought the concept to serial production and has established the new niche in the market. Liebherr has later on also added mobile tower cranes to the product range.